2011년 4월 13일 수요일

The Three Reasons for The Nazca Line Drawing

The Three Reasons for The Nazca Line Drawing

Have you ever been to Peru? The Nazca Desert is in southwestern Peru, in South America. When you stand on the ground in the Nazca Desert, the area looks dry and rocky. When you look at the Nazca Desert from an airplane, you see mysterious lines and pictures. For example, you can see a picture of a monkey, a spider, a whale and lines. As a result, many scientists give several explanations why and who made these pictures. I will explain three main theories, why they were drawn.

One main reason is that the Nazca lines were used as a landing filed many years ago. The landing fields were built for pilots from the lost island of Atlantis. According to legend, Atlantis was a beautiful island that sank during an earthquake. As a result of Atlantis sinking, the landing fields were not used any longer. They were just left for people to discover thousands of years later.

The second explanation is that the Nazca lines were made by aliens. A German, Maria Reiche, announced another reason why the Nazca lines were made. She said, for the landing fields were UFOs coming from outer space. According to theory, aliens landed on Earth in prehistoric times. The Nazca lines made it easy for the aliens to know where to land.

Recently, scientists have more explanations for the Nazca lines. They were made for ceremonies. Scientists know that humans lived in the area for about 12,000 years. They speculate that ancient people used the lines and pictures in ceremonies. They might have been trying to get to the attention of their gods. Since agriculture was very important in their lives, the Nazca lines could have been a way to ensure a good harvest.
In conclusion, we may never know the true answers to the questions about the Nazca lines, but their mysteries continue to fascinate people. These explanations are the strongest theories for why the Nazca lines were drawn. 

2011년 4월 8일 금요일

A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Great Cities

             Which city is the greatest city in the world to live? If you had a choice to live in either Seoul, the capital of Korea, or Austin, the capital of Texas, which would you choose and why? To help make the best choice, I will compare and contrast Seoul and Austin to highlight some important differences between these fabulous capital cities.
             Both Seoul and Austin are clean cities to live in. For example, their quality is very fresh, so people who live in each city can enjoy jogging and other forms of outdoor activities.  If you visit both Seoul and Austin, you will have a better feeling than in other cities.People in the two cities are very friendly and have greatpublic manners such as observing rules.Seoul citizens usually don’t throw away trash due to strong fines. If you throw away trash on the street in Seoul, you would be  fined$100. This strong punishment makes Seoul a very clean city. So, Seoul is cleanerthan Austin. 
Austin’s surrounding nature is great; however, Seoul’s nature is not so good (this paragraph should continue…also, you need supporting details and/or examples to support this statement)On the other hand, Seoul has more interesting things to dothan Austin. Seoul has great old palaces where the King of Korea used to live.It also boasts one hundred beautiful parks in each district.  You can have a lot of fun in Seoulgoing to big night clubs and great amusement parks, or by simply going hiking. Because of  these things and more, Seoul usually has one million visitors per year.  What about Austin?
Both Seoul and Austin have a beautiful river, the Korean river’s name is the Han River and Austin River’s name is the Colorado River.  Compared to the Han River the Colorado River is.  Also the area watered by the Colorado River is bigger than the Han River. However, the Han River has a lot of beautiful parks, which are located on the terraced land beside the river. In addition,Koreans can easily catch a day-ride on one of the availableexcursion ships, or go water skiing.
             In conclusion, it is depend on a person’s taste as to which city is best. . Either way, if you want to enjoy an exciting adventure, you should visit Seoul, or Austin.